It has been 13 years since Bitcoin, the first digital asset, appeared in the world. The value of Bitcoin has gradually risen from $20 during the 2013 Cyprus crisis to $5,400, but it is still not established as a payment method that can replace liquor. On the other hand, due to the popularization of credit cards worldwide, the expansion of Internet/mobile banking, and the expansion of e-commerce and digital economies, the scale of online and offline payments is increasingly expanding across regions and borders, requiring the development of new payment solutions.
There are other reasons why a new payment system is needed. Still, many people in the world do not have bank accounts either because of structural problems or because of geographic problems. For example, more than 90% of Pakistanis do not have a bank account. (1) Women are not allowed to open bank accounts in Afghanistan. As such, solving the chronic problems of modern society is the goal that the creators of digital assets wanted to achieve, and although it has a very sublime meaning, it has not yet been applied in the real world.
Digital assets are being proposed as an alternative to solving the problems of the existing payment structure at a time when the digital economy between countries is expanding. Previous digital asset-based payment solutions have undergone a lot of trial and error, so an in-depth approach to the following is required to settle into the real economy.
High price volatility of digital assets
Lack of a performance system that the general public can easily participate in
The complex and difficult user experience of digital assets and the high difficulty learning curve
Physical limitations on the introduction of blockchain payment in the traditional offline payment market KONPAY aims to provide a blockchain-based payment solution that can be applied quickly in reality while accurately describing the structural limitations of the existing card payment service.
KONPAY aims to provide a blockchain-based payment solution that can be applied quickly in reality while accurately describing the structural limitations of the existing card payment service.
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